, première plateforme d'offres d'emploi en Afrique de l'Ouest

MEAL Manager

Handicap International

Juba, South Sudan
Humanitaire (ONG, Associations, ...), Projet/programme de développement

Pays : République du Soudan du Sud

Ville : Juba

Date de prise du poste : 01/02/2021

Durée de la mission : 12 months

Date de clôture des candidatures : 02/12/2020

Référence de l'annonce :  -JTO-11-20-6079

“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences”.
HI, Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in 62 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:

HI has been operating in South Sudan since 2006, implementing emergency and development actions aimed at improving protection, quality of life, and the promotion of rights of vulnerable individuals, including people with disabilities. HI’s current operations are centred in POCs (protection of civilian sites) and IDP camps in Juba and greater Equatoria states: Yei, Torit and Yambio in greater Central Equatoria state, greater Eastern Equatoria and greater Western Equatoria respectively, with the Country Office based in Juba city.

During 2021, HI is planning to establish a base in the greater Unity, which remains among the most conflict and disability affected states of the country. The operational context in South Sudan today is considered largely humanitarian/emergency while phasing in resilience programming. The ongoing peace initiatives if they succeed might result in huge population movements of returnees (both IDPs and refugees) across the country.

HI’s present interventions address both emergency and resilience needs. Since 2016, HI has been operating an emergency mobile (or flying) unit responding to MHPSS (Mental Health & Psychosocial Support) and disability rehabilitation assistance in the greater Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei states. Overall, about 50,000 direct beneficiaries (people with disability and other most vulnerable) are being targeted through MHPSS and Livelihood projects, with a strong emphasis on mainstreaming disability inclusion. HI current programs are funded by ECHO, DFID, MOFA Luxembourg and OCHA. As part of its 2019-2021 strategy, HI South Sudan is prepositioning to deepen programming in Protection, to expand program interventions in Health (MHPSS) as well as inclusion in humanitarian action and to undertake innovative programming in Education in emergency. HI works in close collaboration with the South Sudan Humanitarian Clusters (Health, Protection, Food Security &Livelihoods and Education), UN agencies and Government departments (Health, Agriculture, Education, Gender and Youth, and Relief & Rehabilitation Commission). HI is also an active member of the South Sudan NGO Forum.


General mission:
The MEAL manager will lead on the development and strategic direction of HI South Sudan’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) systems, policies and procedures. She/he will support the improved delivery and evidencing of project impact and cross-learning, support staff capacity building and creating systems for accountability to beneficiaries, donors and other stakeholders.


1. Strategy
1.1 Defines and oversees the implementation of MEAL and IM action plans within his/her geographical scope.

2. Expertise
2.1 Contributes towards improving HI’s response within his/her geographical scope
2.2 Contributes towards defining and improving the quality of projects in line with HI’s global frameworks and technical standards
2.3 Contributes towards improving the quality of the management of projects within his/her scope of responsibility, as defined in HI’s Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation policy
2.4 Contributes towards the ownership of learning frameworks and methodologies by the programmes and by HI in general
2.5 Facilitates MEAL and IM sector development as proposed by Innovation, Impact & Information Division (3I)

3. Influence
3.1 Ensures the external representation and promotion of HI’s expertise

4. Management
4.1 Assumes the role and stance of manager for his/her staff and helps facilitate MEAL and IM sector development

• You hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher in relevant field (Development, Social Studies, Statistics)
• You have 3-4 years’ experience in program design, monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning and management roles
• You have demonstrable experience using a range of qualitative, quantitative and participatory methodologies, including the set-up and use of electronic data collection systems
• You show strong analytical skills and ability to handle complex issues
• You are well organized and able to plan work accordingly
• You have good management capacities and team leadership spirit, with an experience in remote management and contingency planning
• You are able to work in a multidisciplinary team and ensure cultural sensitivity
• You have excellent communication, problem solving, interpersonal and conflict resolution skills
• You can work in field locations with very little infrastructure and supplies
• You manages stress and complexity well
• You can actively promotes safety and security

Anglais : Courant

• A capital, Juba, with major presence of INGOs and UN, basic but acceptable leaving conditions (generator, water tanks, basic roads...) and high cost level
• Rural areas with very badly shaped roads, few infrastructure and NGO leaving in compounds The different sites of intervention are accessible by plane through MAF and WFP-run services The security conditions are instable with a level 3 and areas under massive conflict
• The rainy season in South Sudan goes from May/June to September/October. During this period, movements are mostly limited since the roads are impracticable
• A special system of R&R is in place with time for rest out of the country every 8 weeks around.

• Starting date : 01/02/2020
• Length of the contract: 12 months
• Salary from 2760 € gross/month regarding the experience of the candidate
• Perdiem : 593,50 € net/month
• Hardship allowance : 500€ net/month
• Insurances : medical hearth coverage, retirement planning, repatriation
• Paid holiday : 25 days per year
• R&R : 5 days every 8 weeks
• Status : position open to unaccompanied
• Housing : Collective / individual taken in charge by HI

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